Every effort is made to ensure that the repair booking date is not changed for any reason, however from time to time due to various different circumstances beyond our control booking dates may have to be altered.
To ensure a smooth repair process, please consider the items listed below;
✓ If you have a courtesy car from us we will have to confirm your driving licence details with the DVLA – Please see licence check tab on our website.
✓ All courtesy cars must be covered on your own Insurance policy – Please confirm with one of the reception team when booking in.
✓ Please remove any personal items from your vehicle, no liability can be accepted for the loss or damage to any such items.
✓ Time of completion is as accurate as possible but may change due to many different circumstances, therefore all vehicles should be progressed by telephone – Call 01202 849984 asking for a REPAIR UPDATE you will need to know your registration number.
✓ Your Insurance cover may carry an excess and/or VAT contribution and this must be paid on collection of your vehicle. Please ask one of the reception team for excess and VAT status when booking your repair with us.
✓ We accept Access, Visa, Master Card & Switch as Authorised. We DO NOT accept American Express or Cheques.
✓ Please supply locking wheel nut keys and alarm keys even if the alarm has been switched off. We may also require your radio code as in many cases the battery will need disconnecting and the radio code will have to be re-entered, this we will do for you at no cost.
✓ Whilst in use of our courtesy car, you are responsible for any speeding, parking or traffic fines incurred. These will also be subject to an administration fee of £30 + VAT.
✓ It is Ellford Accident Repair Centre’s policy not to allow pets or smoking in our Courtesy Cars due to possible allergy related reactions for future customers.
✓ We will of course take good care of your vehicle when in our care and when we return it, it will be cleaned inside and out with no exceptions.